Conversation with Janette Stuart
Conversation with Janette Stuart
angels, pancreatic cancer, people, angel, intention, hear, love, archangel, friend, divine, called, jeanette, chakra, works, joy, word, talk, archangel gabriel, healing, real
Melissa Bingham, Janette Stuart
Melissa Bingham 00:02
Welcome to Today I Choose. I’m your host Melissa Bingham. In today’s episode, I’m talking angels, pancreatic cancer and intention with my friend Janette Stewart. Janette is a best selling author, certified angel card reader, blogger, military mom and emissary of joy and Angel angles and wellbeing and wonder. She’s here to assist you to own and embrace your own divinity and live a life of love, joy and peace. Gentleness and joy are her superpowers. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
Okay, so I’m so glad today to have my friend Janette Stewart on Janette, as you heard in the introduction, is an angel practitioner. I’m so excited to talk angels and intentions today. So welcome, Jannette.
Janette Stuart 00:53
Thank you, Melissa. It’s an honor to be here today.
Melissa Bingham 00:57
So we’re going to get into the big juicy question, but I want to start with something first. What exactly is an angel practitioner?
Janette Stuart 01:06
Yes. So I assist people with remembering the divine within them and connecting with their angels. We all have at least two guardian angels and tapping into that divine guidance that’s there for us all the time, and we just need to ask for the assistance and it is gladly given. Mostly I do that through one on one sessions, or mini readings.
Melissa Bingham 01:37
How did you get in touch with the angels? How did you come to be in connection with them?
Janette Stuart 01:44
When I was a kid, and this was probably when I was about three or four, I saw little people in my bedroom on the floor, and the next day I told my mom about it. She’s like, “Oh, no, that’s not real. That’s just your imagination”, but for me, it was real. I’m like, Okay, well, she knows best. Then I grew up in the church, and I always knew about angels, but I didn’t think that I could work with the angels, I thought you had to be somebody like Joan of Arc, or Mother Teresa, or somebody that’s, you know, holy. My brother had a brain tumor, and he quickly was declining. I found a woman on Facebook, my friend Laurel believed in the faith. This was back when Facebook was just words. Her words from the angels were just so loving, and so uplifting for my breaking heart, that it was like a healing balm for me to hear these words from the angels. She was uplifting me, and I followed her on Facebook. Then the year following my brother’s passing, I scheduled an angel session with her. I didn’t know what it was, I didn’t know if it was going to make me lose my faith, if I was going to start seeing dead people, I really didn’t know what to expect, and it was the most beautiful love fest. After that, six months after that, I was investigating how I too could help others with doing angel card readings and Angel sessions. That was the start. I’ve written several books, and those are channeled messages of love, as well, so that’s another way that I’m able to share the angels’ messages with people.
Melissa Bingham 03:57
Isn’t it interesting? How many of us, you know, see things or saw things when we were children? Then we were told no, no, that’s not real, only to, as we become adults and and we dive into this, this world of the magical and the mystical and the spiritual that we really understand that what we were seeing was really there. So Jenna, tell me, we’ve been friends and you have been part of my Facebook community and we’ve done some things together, but what does intentional living mean to you?
Janette Stuart 04:37
To me, it’s like setting a course for my day when I intentionally tap into the divine guidance that I’m being given by selecting an intention, by reading something uplifting, and it’s helping me take action for the way I want my day to go. It doesn’t always go that way, but I have a starting point and an end, please in mind. I’d like to think of it as going on a hike, like you would never intentionally go on a hike without knowing where you’re going. Having a map, having a compass, having water, having the right shoes, and a snack, and a hat, and sun protection, and wind and all of that, but so many of us go through our whole lives without taking those necessary steps of setting our intention. Because our intention setting is asking for what it is we do want in life and what we do want that day. I love how you invite people in your community, and through the books that you have written, Today I Choose, it’s just that simple. Today I choose and then you know, we can fill in the blank. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to take a long time, but it’s just something you can tap into. What do I want today? You know, yes, please, I’ll take that!
Melissa Bingham 06:17
Yeah, yeah, I love that. I know, today, my intention was to be present, and it was funny, because the image I came up with was, the graphic I used, was a package like a gift/present. I was more thinking just being present, but again, how much is it a gift to people when we are present? If we hold that intention to be present with people? Right?
Janette Stuart 06:44
I think of it as also being in the present moment, in the now and what a gift that is to me and I have used that image to, of a present, of a gift, to remind folks, when I create a meme that yes, this is a gift.
Melissa Bingham 07:03
I love that. Yeah, that’s beautiful. Talk to me about your books. I know you mentioned them when we started talking. You’ve written, you have a series. I believe you’ve published three, and I know there’s a goal of eight or nine. Talk to me about your books.
Janette Stuart 07:19
Sure. So I have a series of on a path of joy in their daily devotionals, and they are brief little moments of inspiration that you can use as a daily devotional. They’re small enough, you can tuck them away at your desk, carry it in your bag. So far, I have published four of them, and they’re loosely based on the chakras. The last one has daily affirmations as well as photographs that my friend Karen Troy took, nature photographs of California and Arizona primarily. So I’ve used her photographs in the book for each devotional page. I’m looking to do a series of seven. Like I said, they’re loosely based on the chakras, and I didn’t know it at the time, but I started with a blue cover. So I started at the throat chakra and being seen in the world, and putting a book out into the world is really using your voice. You’re out there, once you publish it, you’re out there! Then the next one, so I’m going down the chakras, the next one was the heart chakra, green color loving healing, then yellow, based on personal power. The fourth one that I did was orange based on the sacral chakra, the chakra associated with creativity and passion. The next one is going to be the root chakra of red color, and that’s based on being stable and feeling protected and loved and supported in our lives. That’s the next one. I had hoped to have my series of seven done by my 60th birthday, and that didn’t happen, and that’s okay. I had a surprise with pancreatic cancer in 2019, so I focused all of my attention on healing during that year and that can be a whole nother topic for a podcast in the future, that healing journey. I’m just so grateful that I’m alive.
Melissa Bingham 09:57
I’m so grateful you’re alive, and you’re here at you’re doing all this great work in the world. I wanted to touch on your journey with pancreatic cancer a little bit if we could. I know you have held that journey very intentionally. I know you’ve, you’ve done some writing about it, I’d love to hear a little bit about that, if you’re willing to share with us today. I’d love to just, one of the things that came to me was how, how the angels and how as an angelic practitioner, how that helped to inform your journey through these last couple years.
Janette Stuart 10:45
Yes. So early on, in my journey, I was told that cancer would be with me for a season, but her lessons would last a lifetime, and that this journey was happening to me so that I could give others hope. So I knew I was going to be okay. But I also set a word of the year for the last several years, and my word for 2019 was flourish. So four days into the year is when I received that news that no one wants to hear, that you have cancer, you have pancreatic cancer. All that I had heard about it, was that it’s scary stuff, and the statistics are very grim. However, my doctor called me that evening of my diagnosis, and told me about a procedure that they have that might be of benefit to me, called the Whipple procedure. So it involved the typical Western medicine of chemotherapy, and I went with that, I felt very comfortable with my medical team, and with the angels being with me, and many times during that journey, several times a day, I would think, how can I flourish now? Sometimes, I was so sick, just walking, I had gone from being able to walk 10,000 steps a day, to barely being able to walk to the next room. It just was such a different energy level. Then I was focusing on brighter days ahead, I knew I was gonna be okay. Another really cool thing from the angels was, after many months of chemo, the hope was that I would be able to have this life saving surgery where they go in and rearrange your ducting and remove the gallbladder, and sometimes they take out part of your stomach and my tumor was located at the head of my pancreas, so that was able to be easily removed. I was able to have the surgery at UCSF. A cool thing was, one of the cool things was that my surgeon, his middle name is Uriel, and that is one of our key angels.
Melissa Bingham 13:27
That’s amazing.
Janette Stuart 13:28
Yes, and my oncologist’s first name was Michael, so Archangel Michael. I would often, when I was in the hospital, I would see the green lights on the IV pool, and be reminded that I was loved and supported and held the green in honor of Archangel Raphael. Just every turn, strangers, friends, family members, were loving and supporting me and my family every step of the way. I had a former co-worker that every following day after chemo, she would bring a meal to my husband and I and it wasn’t just one meal, it was food for the freezer. It was a complete meal with dessert and bread and all kinds of goodies for several months, and she cooked this with love, and that was part of my healing gift as well.
Melissa Bingham 14:38
That’s beautiful. And it just goes to show that we have angels that are seen and unseen. Right? I love that about the names of your doctors that just, I got all goose pimply!
Janette Stuart 14:47
Yeah, I call that Angel bumps. Yeah, me too. Every time you say it. I wrote several blogs about my journey and I wrote an ultimate blog on healing that’s on my website, to give people hope, because the statistics are so grim. I included Alex Trebeck and Ruth Bator Ginsburb in my blog, and we lost both of them. So when Alex Trebeck, when he lost his journey with pancreatic cancer, that was a real blow to me. And my best friend, we’ve been friends since kindergarten, I was in her wedding, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer almost exactly a year after me.What are the chances that two friends and we both have stable homes, and we both thought we were healthy and taking good care of ourselves… She rides her bike up Mount Diablo, and she’s just very active, and she was able to have the surgery, as well. So we are both walking, talking miracles. I felt blessed that I was able to help her along the way, this year the word is miracles.
Melissa Bingham 16:13
Absolutely, it’s beautiful. Yeah, and I know that it is a grim diagnosis for a lot of people, and I unfortunately lost a friend to pancreatic cancer this year. But I also know that there are miracles that do happen, just as it’s your word, and just as you’re talking about and I think working with our angels gives people hope, and gives people information, which I think is really, really valuable. I know that you’re also part of this thing called The Wellness Universe, talk to me about what The Wellness Universe is.
Janette Stuart 16:53
Yes, so The Wellness Universe is a collective, it’s a database for people, for practitioners, and for those that are looking for their services. So I am an ambassador for The Wellness Universe, and it focuses on the seven main areas like physical, emotional, occupational, spiritual, I’m missing a couple, but I do a monthly blog series with them on Angel affirmations. That publishes the 28th of the month for the following month. I’ve been a member with The Wellness Universe for since 2015, since right after I retired, and that has been a blessing. I’ve met so many amazing people and so many great experiences, collaborating with others, and it’s just been a real blessing to my life.
Melissa Bingham 17:51
That’s beautiful. So I know that you were recently included in a book. Was that book through The Wellness Universe, the book about the ultimate healing guide?
Janette Stuart 17:58
I was in The Wellness Universe guide to complete self care,then I was also a contributing author in two of the collaborations with Brave Healer Productions, which is The Ultimate Guide to Self Healing. In one I wrote about affirmations, and the next book I wrote about intentions. That has been a real blessing as well, people can look on my website, I have both of those chapters, as audios that you can listen to that chapter on the resource page.
Melissa Bingham 18:37
So if I was gonna come to you for an angel reading, what’s the experience like? What do I do?
Janette Stuart 18:45
So you can come, you can receive, you can ask questions, and I used to do them in person, or on zoom. But now mostly, it’s all on zoom, or over the phone if people don’t want the zoom experience. It’s a one on one, and it really is just a love fest where we tap into the divine goodness and grace that is with us always. I use a series of angel cards, Oracle cards, I’ve developed my own, I have a couple of different decks and I have one in the works. I have the love notes from the divine angel card deck, and then my friend Becky and I developed a word of wisdom guidance card deck, and that has powerful words with a brief definition or affirmation, and that has been really a great experience. They’re generally about an hour and then people leave with the information that angels want to share with them, with others receiving more guidance or more peace of mind, more clarity.
Melissa Bingham 20:11
We talk about angels and intention, what do you see as the interplay between angels and intentions? We’re the human setting the intention and the angels add, this is just kind of the image that’s coming. I’ve talked about the intentions being the calling card to the divine, and kind of that’s it’s that co creative piece. How do you see that interplay between angels and intentions?
Janette Stuart 20:42
Well, sometimes I feel like I get the “angel nudge”, like, okay, this, this is where you need to go. The angels are very concise when they talk to me, do not doubt your worth, they say something like that. If you were me, I’m very wordy, and I would go on and on and on and on. They pinpoint what it is I made, sometimes, I’m not sure what my intention is going to be. I asked for their guidance, today I choose ease, today, I choose to radiate love and light into the world, today I choose to forgive myself for anything I did or didn’t do. That’s very helpful. So I feel… I’m getting shaped like a triangle, the largest part is on the bottom, then there’s two sides. The triangle is body, mind, spirit. A triangle is the strongest shape that we know, a triangle also [represents] a growing up, the trinity of Father, Son, Holy Spirit, whatever works for you, I say just embrace that. Our angels are always there, whether you believe in them or not, and we have to have dominion over our own life. So we need to ask for their assistance, and they are always ready to help. Sometimes the assistance comes differently than we expect or a different timing, but our prayers and requests are always answered, and they’re never too busy. They’re omnipotent, like the divine, and they can be in many places at once. So, me praying to Archangel Raphael for help during my surgery doesn’t take him away from you know, Mrs. Smith across the street, who’s praying for her mother, it’s just, it’s an endless, boundless, unconditional source of love for us to make our earthly experience better.
Melissa Bingham 22:55
I love that. This may be… inappropriate is not the right word, but I have a loaded question. Do you have a favorite angel that you work with?
Janette Stuart 23:06
I love Archangel Gabriel. I envision Archangel Gabriel as a woman. So Archangel Gabriel works with artists and writers and authors, so that they can develop and deliver clear messages. I envision Archangel Aabriel with having red, coppery colored, flowing, wavy hair. That’s just my sense about it. I have always loved hearing the words that Archangel Gabriel says, as the angel of annunciation, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. Even as a kid hearing that, like when Linus is on Charlie Brown, is telling the Christmas story of Luke two, that always spoke to me. I feel, and I’m getting Angel bumps again, I just feel a real affinity with Archangel Gabriel.
Melissa Bingham 24:09
I love that. I love that. I’ve been working with Archangel Gabriel a lot right now too, in all that I’ve been creating. So that’s fun.
Janette Stuart 24:16
Melissa Bingham 24:16
We have to do a whole podcast. I just was sitting here thinking we should do a whole podcast on what each Archangel works with. So we’ll set up another time to do that because I think that would be really fun. Yeah, we’ll have to do that. Okay, so are you ready for some rapid fire fun questions that I always like to do?
Janette Stuart 24:37
Yup, bring em on!
Melissa Bingham 24:38
So what’s your favorite place and why?
Janette Stuart 24:41
I love Monterey, California. I love being by the ocean, the feeling there, I feel like I’m at one with creation, just hearing the pounding of the surf. It’s just been a magical spot for me my whole life, I’ve lived within half of it my whole life.
Melissa Bingham 25:04
Yeah, I’m gonna have to do a tally. I’m going to start keeping a tally of how many people say ocean, because I think of all the people that I’ve had conversations with, about 90% of the people say ocean, which I think that’s really interesting. What does it say about me that I attract all these water people? Which I love!
Janette Stuart 25:22
Right. But I also love the mountains in the forest too, but that’s my favorite today!
Melissa Bingham 25:30
I think I know this. Are you a cat person, a dog person or some other animal?
Janette Stuart 25:37
Well, my dog I’m sitting here rubbing his ears right now. He rescued us seven years ago. So yes, we’re dog people, but I also love cats. In between dog number three, and dog number four, we had a cat that came to live with us in our backyard and came to help me during the time when my husband was having heart surgery. She just was a love for me for a few months when he was sick. That was just a beautiful experience. She was a beautiful Siamese cat and was the neighbor’s cat, but came to live in our backyard. I love all animals.
Melissa Bingham 26:28
That’s great. Yeah. If you come to Monday morning meditation, sometimes you’ll get to see Spike, he’s often with Janette during Monday morning meditation. What’s your favorite word?
Janette Stuart 26:39
Oh, my goodness. I love delight. That was my word for 2017. I love the feeling of the lightness and playfulness of that word, and also that it encompasses light, which I believe is the divine light in all of us that we show to the world and that we experience, right? That word has been just real joy to me. I’d love joy also, which is the word for 2016, when I first started selecting words of the year as a real practice.
Melissa Bingham 27:18
I love that, and I love remembering all these words that you’ve had. What’s on your nightstand right now that you’re reading? What are you reading?
Janette Stuart 27:27
I am reading Intimate Conversations with the Divine, I think is what it’s called, by Carolyn Myss. It is 100 prayers, and it is so beautiful. I just read one a week ago Tuesday, to my weekly Facebook Live group about being fractured into tranquility. It just kind of blew my mind how we could be fractured and that we can tap into that inner tranquility. Yeah, so I recommend that.
Melissa Bingham 28:06
Yeah, I’ve read a lot of her stuff. Okay, if you had a theme song, what would it be?
Janette Stuart 28:12
Oh gollie. This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna let it shine, has been my theme song the last couple of months. I’ve always loved that song. There’s a Bruce Springsteen YouTube video where he does that song live from Dublin, Ireland, and it is just pure, unbridled joy. It is amazing.
Melissa Bingham 28:38
Fun! I’ll have to put that on the show notes page. We’ll find that! Yeah, you can take a look at that.
Janette Stuart 28:43
Yeah, I’ll send you the link.
Melissa Bingham 28:46
If you could be a superhero. What would your superhero name be? And what would power would you have?
Janette Stuart 28:51
I would be the goddess of joy, and my superpowers are joy and gentleness. That is my strength, because it takes a lot of strength to be gentle, and to allow yourself to live in joy.
Melissa Bingham 29:08
I think you’re already doing that. I think maybe your cape is hidden? I think that’s already happening. Then our last question is a little more serious. What is your intention for our world right now?
Janette Stuart 29:21
I have been reading, before I do any broadcasts or work in the world, the prayer of St. Francis: Let me be an instrument of thy peace, and that is my prayer for the world.
Melissa Bingham 29:41
Beautiful. Ah, this has been so fun. I’m so glad you were able to be on the podcast. We’ve come together! If people want to find out how to get in touch with you. Where can they find you on the interwebs?
Janette Stuart 29:56
Yes. So my website is angel-angles.com. I also have a well being and wonder website, but primarily Angel-angles.com.
Melissa Bingham 30:12
Great, and then if they want to find you on social media, are you on Facebook, Instagram?
Janette Stuart 30:16
Yes, I’m on both primarily Facebook. I also have a Facebook private group called Angel Angels, Angels Circle of Gratitude. That’s where we focus, our intention, our attention on gratitude, love, appreciation, the light and devotion, and we rotate those topics on a monthly basis.
Melissa Bingham 30:42
Beautiful. Well we’ll put all those links up on the show notes page, so be sure to check that out if you want to be able to find Jeanette. Again, thank you so much for being here today, and I look forward to our next podcast talking about all the different Archangels.
Janette Stuart 30:59
Yeah, that’s gonna be great. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thanks. I’ll see you soon.
Melissa Bingham 31:07
Hey, I hope you enjoyed that conversation with Janette Stewart. I sure did. Love talking angels and intentions, and I can’t wait for our time to talk about what each Archangel works with, for each of us. Stay tuned for details on that. If you want to know more about what I’m up to these days, please visit my website TodayIChoose.me and may your life be filled with intention. Today I Choose is brought to you by 3Bee Productions. Our producer and audio engineer is Sam Buti. Our research assistant is Molly Bingham. Our graphic designer is Marsha Craig. Find out more at our website TodayIChoose.me. You can also find us on Instagram @EverydayLivingwithIntention and find our Facebook group, Everyday Living with Intention.