Meditation Series: Law 1 of The 7 Spiritual Laws Meditation


pure potentiality, meditation, field, mantra, judgement, infinite, law, today, pure consciousness, bingham, silence, sharing, beautiful, book, light, live, week, creativity, golden, head


Melissa Bingham

Welcome to Today I Choose. I’m your host, Melissa Bingham. In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing a little soul wisdom from one of our Monday morning live calls. And then we’ll meditate. Enjoy.  All right, well, welcome to Monday meditation. I’m so glad you’re here with me today and every Monday that we’re together.  

I’m excited today to be starting a series that we’re going to do over the next seven weeks, based on Deepak Chopra is the “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” which is a great little book, it’s tiny. I’ve worked with this book for a long time, I’ve actually been to two retreats about it. It’s a really powerful book, and a really powerful way to live in alignment with these spiritual laws of success. The title spiritual laws of success, I think, maybe sometimes can be triggering for people, but it’s the essence of each of these practices of each of these thoughts that I think really can help be a guiding principle for our lives. And so today, we’re going to dive in with the first law and what we’re going to do just so everybody knows, I’ll be sharing information from the book and my experience with the laws, and then we’ll be just taking that into a few minutes each week and then we’ll be taking into our meditation we’ll be using, there is a mantra for each week, or each law, it’s associated with a chakra and a day of the week. And so I’ll be sharing that. So we’ll be using the mantra for each week with the meditation.  

So the first spiritual law of success is the law of pure potentiality. And I’m just going to read a couple of things out of the book, the chapters are pretty short, there are about eight pages, but I’m not going to read the whole thing. But I want to just share a few thoughts and my experience with it. It says, “The law of pure potentiality, the source of all creation is pure consciousness, pure potentiality, seeking expression from the unmanifest, to the manifest. And when we realize that our true self is one of pure potentiality, we align it with the power that manifests everything in the universe.” And so it’s this idea that we tap into this field, this pure state of being, this essence of all that is, you know, we talk about in our meditation connecting into that field of pure potentiality. And that’s what really this is. And so he goes on to say, “The first spiritual law of success is the law of pure potentiality. This law is based on the fact that we are in our essential state, pure consciousness. pure consciousness is pure potential reality. It is the field of all possibility and infinite creativity. pure consciousness is our spiritual essence, being infinite and unbounded, it is also pure joy. other attributes of consciousness are pure knowledge, infinite silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity, and bliss. This is our essential nature, our essential nature is one of pure potentiality.” And he says, “How can we apply the law of pure potentiality, to the field of all possibilities to our lives? If you want to enjoy the benefits of the field of pure potentiality, if you want to make full use of the creativity, which is inherent in pure consciousness, then you have to access it. One way to access the field is through daily practice of silence, meditation, and non judgement. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field, infinite creativity, freedom and bliss.”  I love that he calls out the difference. You know, he says silence, meditation and non judgement. And in the book here, he shares about this idea of being in silence each day. and it’s beyond meditation. It is that place of just being, which I know is hard for a lot of us. I know, it’s hard for me to just be and he talks about, spending an hour or two each day in silence —  choosing not to talk, choosing not to read or watch TV and just being and in meditation, often we’re using a mantra, we’re using something so we aren’t really being silent. So, I think it’s interesting that he calls out this idea of being silent as well. And then of course, meditation is one of the access points for the accessing this law of pure potentiality. And so that’s what we’re gonna do this morning. And then the idea of non judgement is another huge thing.  And he talks about that there’s a prayer in A Course in Miracles that says, Today shall judge nothing that occurs.” He says can you invite yourself to be in non judgement for a day. And if that feels too hard or too scary, maybe just start with the next hour, to not judge anything, not make anything good or bad, right or wrong, and sit with that. That power then opens us up into this co-creative relationship with pure potentiality.  

This law equate to a day of the week on Sundays, and it is related to the seventh chakra. And so the mantra that we’re going to use today is AUM, which helps to open the seventh chakra.  

So are you ready to dive into that field of pure potentiality?  

All right, I’m going to share with you this beautiful path. I love this, this image of just an open path that anything’s possible. There’s beautiful light calling us forward.  So invite you to just go ahead and get comfortable in your seat. Just start to let your body settle. Just allowing it to get heavy for a few minutes. Feeling the earth under your feet, whether it’s through the floor, or shoes, noticing that there’s something under you, holding you up feeling your sit bones supported on the chair. Just allowing everything to begin to settle. To slow down. Noticing our body just from head to toe. If there’s anywhere that needs to be adjusted. 

Just imagining out of the base of our spine drops a beautiful golden cord about two inches in diameter. Straight down through whatever you’re sitting on.  Down  through the layers of soil, rock through the layers of Mother Earth going down right into that center heart core where there’s a beautiful crystal where your golden core just plugs right into that heart of Mother Earth. Grounding you in this moment. Grounding in your body.  As we move our attention to the top of her head. That crown chakra just allow it to flower open. Another beautiful cord rising above our head out above the space above us up into the sky beyond the Earth’s atmosphere past the Milky Way beyond the galaxies, we come to this beautiful field of pure potentiality gold and sparkling light. With our next inhale we just allow that light to travel back down through that cord through the Milky Way sky above us that golden light of infinite possibility began to fill our being. coming in through the crown. Going down through the head and the neck, shoulders, your arms, your fingertips down there, your torso and hips and legs at your feet. Just imagining in your heart center that golden light just beams out. Connecting into this infinite field of pure potentiality. As we step into the silence, we introduced the mantra “Aum.” See you in a few minutes. 

You can gently release the mantra. Deepen your breath Coming back into your body Placing our attention on that heart center once again Inviting an intention to drop into our hearts for today. We’ve been steeped in this field of pure potentiality just listen for what’s wanting to express through us today. Just drop that right as an intention right into the center of your heart. Allowing it to ripple out like a pebble on a lake into that field of pure potentiality Taking a deep breath in. Wiggle your fingers and wiggle your toes When you’re ready, coming back into the space. 

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Today I Choose if you’d like to join us for our live Monday morning meditations and to hear more of the after conversation, please visit todayIchoose.me/meditation. And may your day be filled with intention.  

  • Today I Choose is brought to you by 3 Bee Productions and Nevertheless Media. 
  • Our producer is Sam Buti. 
  • Our graphic designer is Marsha Craig. 
  • Our research assistant is Molly Bingham.  

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