Monday Meditation: what energy are you putting into the world?
Connect to your breath and radiate love
Whether you’ve joined me on a past live Monday Morning Meditation call or whether you’re joining me here today on the podcast, it is always a pleasure to have you with me. Likewise, as we come together each week to take some breaths and connect, I invite you to, once again, join me in meditation. There is, presently, so much going on in our world. From what’s happening in the Middle East to inclement weather to fires to social unrest, I have, as a result, been sinking into one simple question: what energy am I putting into the world?
Love times infinity
When I first started to meditate twenty-five years ago, there was a study floating around that expressed the benefits of meditation. It stated that one person meditating extended to a two mile radius. While the citation I, unfortunately, cannot recall, the sentiment is that our energy has an impact. And when we operate from a calm, grounded, and centered place, that’s when we emit that same loving-kindness energy out into the world. Right now, and perhaps more than ever, our world needs your centered, grounded, loving energy. Today, I want us to steep ourselves in that heart centered energy of love and radiate outward.
Today’s Mantra:
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