Monday Meditation: Ridiculous Joy
We were laughing before I hit record today and there’s a very good reason why.
I shared with the group a new mascot for my Monday Morning Meditations. His name is “Gn-OM” and he’s a beautiful ceramic gnome that I found at a holiday bizarre. Simply put, Gn-OM (get it?) brings me so much ridiculous joy. And Gn-OM matters because he can help during this crazy time. “How can Gn-OM help, Melissa?” I hear you ask. Well, Gn-OM helps because he keeps my frequency high. He raises my vibration. And he’s a small way that I can do my part to stay grounded and balanced in the world.
Now, Gn-OM doesn’t mean that I get a spiritual bypass. And Gn-OM doesn’t mean that I’m being Pollyanna. Rather, Gn-OM is a small way that I’m bringing more love and light and joy to my being. In other words, with Gn-OM, I raise my vibration and start to help. Gn-OM is a talisman that reminds me, “Remember the joy! Remember the fun.”
Today, I invite you to have fun and join me in meditation as we consider: where can you find more ridiculous joy?
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