Today I Choose with Melissa Bingham


Monday Meditation: New Moon, New Mind

When I recorded this meditation, it was a new moon. And that got me thinking…

First, I was reminded of the Albert Einstein quote, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Next, this led me to consider: what does that mean? How do I, in other words, open to a new mind? How do I form new ways of thinking and new ways of being? To create new thoughts or to come to an out-of-the-box solution, Einstein suggests, one needs new neural pathways. And to start this process, one must disengage from the repetitivity of mental looping. For me, this new thinking begins with meditation.

Be open to something different

As you embark on a new moon or a new mind, I invite you to be curious. Truthfully, this way of being open to something different can feel like a mind-mess. If this happens, be curious. Personally speaking, even if there is no problem, I want to be open to looking at things with new eyes and new ways of being. I want to expand. I want my vision to widen. I want my beingness to evolve. So as we come together today, I invite you to use meditation as a way to be grounded in the shakeup of your thinking. Most of all and again, I invite you – through meditation – to be curious.

As always, please enjoy!


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