Today I Choose with Melissa Bingham Meditation


Monday Meditation: hold the high watch for the world

Connect to the love at your core

As I was thinking about this meditation, I’ve been feeling into everything that’s going on in our world. What keeps coming up — and if you’re in the Everyday Living with Intention Facebook Group or if you follow me on social media, I recently posted about this — is that in spite of everything that we see on the news or dystopian this and end-of-the-world that — it is our charge to stay anchored in the truth, anchored in love. And anchored in love is where I’d like to begin our meditation today.

Holding the high watch for the world

If you’re not familiar with the term, “holding the high watch,” it comes from from my time at the Bodhi center in Chicago. While working as a licensed spiritual practitioner, one of us would always hold the high watch during services. Basically, this person in high watch position would sit in meditation and hold a space of love, hold a space of peace, and hold a space of possibility. Then…they would infuse the room with their higher vibrations of love, peace, and possibility. When we meditate together, likewise, we are doing the same. I know at the core of my being, that all that’s real is love. And through our meditation practice, we anchor ourselves in that love. Today, I invite you, as people that are conscious and awake and awakening, to stand for wisdom and truth. I invite you to hold the high watch for our world.

More resources from Melissa

Monday Meditation: what energy are you putting into the world? Today I Choose Meditations Today I Choose: Daily Intentions to Guide You Through Your Life Today I Choose: Daily Intentions to Guide you Through Your Life Volume 2 Melissa on Instagram Everyday Living with Intention Facebook Group More from Melissa