Monday Meditation: Grounded Presence
Before recoding this episode, I’d been traveling and sensing into what I wanted to share with you. And over and over again, two words kept coming up: Grounded Presence. While traveling, people kept saying to me, “Melissa, you have so much going on!” And while traveling, I kept saying to myself, “Melissa,” – yes, I sometimes talk to myself in the third person – “You do have so much going on…but don’t we all?” In other words, isn’t “so much going on”…life? Each day, we all must navigate twists and turns, ups and downs, and surprises of all kinds. And to me, what helps to navigate the “so-much” of life is those two words: grounded presence.
The power to choose with grounded presence
Personally speaking, I can get so in my head and get so floaty/out-there that I often have to remind myself, “What’s happening right here in my presence and in my body?” Being present allows me to consider: who’s speaking? Being present allows me to see the task at hand. Being present allows me to witness the beauty all around. Simply, grounded presence enables me to navigate anything that comes about. Most of all, that’s where meditation comes in. For me, meditation is the foundational practice that allows me to come into myself. So as we meditate together today, I invite you to consider: where can you replace “so-much” with “grounded in the now?”
Otherwise and as always, please enjoy!
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