Today I Choose with Melissa Bingham Meditation


Transcript Monday Meditation: champagne (like life) bubbles up

As I was feeling into what to focus our meditation on today, I kept seeing champagne bubbles… “That’s a funny thing to meditation on,” I thought. “Champagne…” Yet the bubbles kept appearing in my mind’s eye and, like the burst of a champagne-bubble under my nose, it struck me: life IS like champagne. Picture this: toward the bottom of the glass, the golden liquid is settled, stable. But toward the top of the glass, bubbles cascade and crash. They float upward and they fizz out.

Bubbling up and out

So while this episode was recorded between Christmas and New Years (I’m sure this is why I was thinking about champagne…), it continues to be relevant. For instance, by reflecting back on the year or even the past month, picture all of the different things that have happened to you. Maybe you see somethings as good and others things as bad. Maybe you see somethings as right and other things as wrong. No matter how you look at it, everything that’s happened has bubbled up. The practice, then, is to get in touch with the bottom half of the glass, your base. That’s why we start each week in meditation. So as we come together to meditate today, I invite you to let those little champagne bubbles do their thing and bubble up. Perhaps let yourself tap into your grounded-center.

And as always, please enjoy!