Monday Meditation: Be Present to What Is
Recently, I drove from Santa Cruz to San Francisco on Highway 1… …and there were so many places to stop and take pictures. I was by myself. I wasn’t on a schedule. So I stopped some 10 times to take spectacular picture after picture. The views were epic. And, to put it simply, the drive was a reminder to see what was in front of me.
Over the last six weeks, life has taught me that things can change in a second. Thus, being present is truly all that we can do. That’s why we meditate. Meditation reminds us to come back to the present. As we quiet our mind chatter – the monkey mind – and we pay attention to our body and our breath, we allow the outside noise to fade away and to come into alignment with our center.
Today, I invite you to meditate and consider: how do you feel in your body right now?
Finally…if you ever get the chance to drive along Highway One in California, I invite you to do it. It includes some of the most breathtaking views you’ll ever see.
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