365 New Daily Intentions
Today I Choose, Volume 3 has 365 NEW daily intentions to help guide you through life. Use this book for daily inspiration, as a journal or as an oracle, you decide!
Melissa’s beautiful book paves the way for you to create or enhance your daily intention practice with her simple invitation to tune in and complete the following statement, “Today I Choose ________.” Simple, brilliant, and life-changing. There is lots of room to write years worth of your own intentions and she painted the cover. She’s amazing. – Janette S.
To intend is to have a course of action…as one’s purpose. Intention, therefore, is the act of having a determined (or predetermined) end. It is the spark, the kernel, the seed behind your purpose. Intentions come from your heart; they come from your soul. The first step in setting your intention is to connect to your heart. Slow down, breath, get quiet, and listen to what your heart and soul whisper.
The habit of setting a daily intention is a powerful spiritual practice. I’ve made it a part of my daily ritual for years. Before I started, I had been doing a lot of study and testing around the power of intention; not in the “law of attraction… I’m going to manifest everything I want” way.
But more in the, “I’m co-creating with my Divine and I’m going to live actively in that practice” way. For me, intention is a message to Spirit. It’s me saying, “Use me. I’m ready. I’m working with you, not against you.” So by choosing every day, I’m sending a message to the Universe: I’m ready to co-create with you.
This daily practice has changed my life. I start each day by making a choice as to how I’m going to live. I set an intention for how I will look at the world, how I will act in the world, what I might feel, and how I want to show up for my family, friends, and self. Some days, I’m true to my choice. Other days, I fall flat on my face within minutes of choosing.
My invitation to you with this book is to simply start – to start living your life with intention and as a result may you find yourself in active co-creation with Source.
With love and intention,
The key to this book is it’s simplicity…I love that I am guided to choose a daily intention – no more, no less. It serves as a brilliant way of keeping me on track with my daily intentions. Sometimes I use the book as an oracle guide and take a lucky dip, sometimes I choose the relevant day…and sometimes I look at the relevant day and then adapt it to suit my desires at the time – what more could I want. – Karen F.
These books were designed to be used in a variety of ways:
Daily Guidance
By following along each day and to see how the intention I set applies to your day. Take the daily intention as your own.
Daily Inspiration
by using each daily intention as inspiration for your own intention. Heck, turn it into your own journal! Follow the below three steps for setting your daily intention, then write your own intention underneath the one on each page.
- Connect to your heart. Slow down, breath, feel and listen.
- Allow your intention to bubble up Inside of you from your heart, from your belly. (Not down from your head, thinking it)
- Speak it, write it down, and be witnessed.
Intuitive Guidance
By using this book as an oracle (a way of receiving information) to find inspiration:
- Hold the closed book between your two hands.
- Ask in your mind or out loud, whichever feels more comfortable, “What do I need to know today?”
- Then open the book and read the page to see what the message is.
However you decide to use these books, may it lead you to living a more intentional life!