Meditation Series: Law 2 of The 7 Spiritual Laws Meditation


Meditation Series: Law 2 – The 7 Spiritutal Laws of Success

Law 2 of the 7 Spiritual Laws Meditation Series: The Law of Giving

In today’s podcast episode, I am continuing my exploration of Deepak Chopra 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. This week, we’re moving onto law number 2. According to The Seven Spiritual Laws, the Second Law is “The Law of Giving.” As Deepak explains, “Today, bring whoever you encounter a gift, a compliment, or a flower.” After a brief discussion and after I share an example of how I use this second spiritual law in my daily life, we’ll meditate.

”Flow” with the second spiritual law by always giving a gift

Admittedly, we talk a lot about “flow” regularly during these meditations. So perhaps it comes as no surprise, when I think about this second spiritual law, I think about breathe as an example. There’s a constant exchange, a giving and a receiving, oxygen in to carbon dioxide out. With this in mind, as you move through this week, I invite you to consider: how might you give everyone you encounter with a small and simple gift?

Today’s Law:

Law 2: “The Law of Giving”

“The universe operates through dynamic exchange. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe and in our willingness to give, that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.” – From 7 Spiritual Laws of Success

Today’s Mantra:


Today’s Chakra:

The Heart Chakra or The Fourth Chakra

Today’s Color:


Today’s Day:


LINKS MENTIONED in today’s 7 Spiritual Laws Meditation 

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